Thursday 7 April 2011

DTC Ride-1

I was one of the happiest citizens of Delhi when the Indian capital commenced the brand new red-coloured Airconditioned city bus service coinciding with the Commonwealth Games 2010.

However, of late the service levels have fallen.

This in turn prompted me to write to the authorities (see below) early this week.

Attn: Mr Naresh Kumar, Chairman & Managing Director, DTC

Dear Mr Kumar,

I wish to bring to your notice two issues pertaining to airconditioned (red) buses in the city route

1. As we all know, summer has set in. DTC drivers in the saddle of airconditoned buses randomly switch off and switch on airconditon buses during the day. When confronted, they claim that it is too much of cold for them. In the process passengers suffer for no fault of theirs. Another related issue is the practice of keeping the aisle window next to the driver's seat open even if the aircondition is switched on. The very purpose of providing cool environment is defeated. None of the drivers listen to conductors. Why the public should pay a premium rate and suffer.

Perhaps it is time, DTC puts in a mechanism to check/monitor misuse of a/c facility in your fleet.

2. Having lived in Chennai and Bombay for several years and travelled in city bus servcies (Pallavan/Chennai and BEST/Bombay), I failed to understand the reluctance or refusal of conductors to walk up the aisle for distribution of tickets in DTC buses. This in the process puts a strain on passengers to crowd around conductors who unfortuantely are seated near the rear door. It will be good for conductors to walk a bit from the health angle.

3. Cleanliness of fleet is pathetic. Please travel once in a while unannounced and see for yourself. Dirty from inside and dirty from outside.

4. The misuse of DTC terminus space by denotified Blue LIne fleet. The less said the better. Visit Mehrauli Bus Terminal (where I live and commute from). Even today, many denotified Blue Line buses occupy premium space iinside DTC terminus. The road within DTC terminus is perpetually in bad condition. Needless to say that such bad roads within the terminus cause severe damage to DTC vehicles.

Mr Kumar, the fleet is public property and the billboard inside hammers this point with heavy emphasis.

I request you to look into this and revert.

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