Thursday 7 April 2011

DTC Ride-2

It is easy to make sweeping statements. Generalisation from few live experience is the common method. Empirical studies have to be done consistently over a period of time to arrive at any conclusion.

So, why not I build up a proper database or dossier on DTC buses in which I commute? Here's the first dispatch.

Travel date:April 7, 2011
Route No: 427
Destination: From Mehrauli Terminal to Nizamuddin Railway Station
Bus Registration No. DL1P C7218
Time of Travel: 0915 hours
Airconditoned Bus temperature inside: 21 degree celsius
Passage: From Mehrauli Terminal to Saket Metro
Fare: Rs.10

Well, both driver and conductor were in late 50s.

Driver was uniformed. Not the conductor.

Pleasantly surprised to witness the conductor walking down the aisle to issue tickets. By the way, the bus was packed at Mehrauli terminal itself because it was peak hour.

The coolness inside bus was perfect.

Once the bus moved out of terminal, conductor resumed his Buddha-like posture and seldom moved out of his seat!

In terms of cleanliness, it was neat and clean inside. Exterior was passable.


Why the conductor was not wearing uniform? Is not mandatory?

Does DTC authorities conduct periodic checks to ensure the mandatory uniform rule is strictly followed??

Has any disciplinary action routine is in place?

If yes, how many have been challened so far?

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